Por BrookesBottoms
Total de Votos: 21
Buyers : What initially BEFORE any interaction makes you drawn to a particular seller?
Best length of time for worn panties?
So buyers. In terms of breaking the ice...
How would you describe yourself.
Who remembers this conundrum... Daddy, or chips? 🤣
My shop should include more of?
Just for fun... what decades of music do you listen to the most? (if you can choose just one😋)
Buyers, how do you prefer your items to be packaged?
Favorite style of shoes to purchase?
O Que Aprendi Com Minha Primeira Semana Vendendo Calcinhas Usadas
By FrenchieFilthy
A Minha Jornada como Trabalhador Sexual Trans
Um Ponto de Vista do Comprador: Recebendo Avaliações de "Dick"
By Admin Team
By Kinks_and_curves
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