Note - I am currently not looking for any new Dommes.
If I looked at your profile, it's likely because you looked at mine or messaged me.
Best of luck 😊.
Hi, I am here with quite a specific Domme type and request in mind, though I could be enticed.
I do not like demeaning or demanding Dommes, if that's you, good luck finding someone else :).
I have a need to pay for permission to orgasm.
Curious about consentual blackmail/ home wrecking.
A Domme, who will trap me into giving info slowly ❤️.
A scenario like - Making me edge etc and only relief when I give up info.
That's hot to me.
I like wheels, chances, and luck based games, and taxes. Especially regarding c*m chance, denial, chastity, and things of that nature.
If you are more on the soft Domme side, reach out. 😀
Lastly, I will no longer speak to, or interact with anyone who is request to follow. Most people who use the feature do not know how it works, and they are rude about it.
@TheBlondePAWG thank you for the opportunity, I have paid my tax, and made my post, can you be kind enough to give me permission to cum? Pretty please 😳
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