Monday 20th January, 2025
Right, ain't updated pinned since last year so update due. Am going to take some of last one out and update bio with it, I'm starting with messages as this is My main stress here, even more so recently!! I Can't do small talk and I Mean that in most respectful but blunt way I Can, My job involves chatting constantly in real time as well as struggling mentally at the moment in everyday life and this is My escape! Recently some have messaged Me directly linked with stuff outlined on bio and seriously appreciate that but I Can't do one or 2 word messages that ain't related to Me being on here [ and that includes stuff already on bio that already answers questions! ] I chat more when I'm able to buy and saves us both time! My bio and blogs I've wrote should save time for everyone as I can't go through same conversations over and over, not just time wise but state of mind wise and have started to ignore messages now especially when I've just posted 'I'm knackered, calling it a day, etc' but if you're one of them I Do ignore it doesn't mean you're not welcome here it means I'm struggling, i need my space and just can't and / or best to read the room after effort's been put into bio! And please do read before telling Me how much You love My page then ask Me what I'm into!!!!
So yeah FAQ / Messages
Hey / Hello.... It's lovely but i'm not wired to know what to do with this!
What's your plans for today?.... I Wing every single second, i don't look back, i don't look forward too, again, just can't!
How's your day been?..... See last question, i get on with shit then move on, i have these conversations with loads of people in real life in job and have to fake enthusiasm for them, come here to escape it [ or TRY To!! ]
How are you?...... Probable knackered, probably stressed, you'll get a better idea if i just message you first when i'm ready to talk and we can go from there
Next note is reviews, I'm lucky in one's I've received, a lot of them touch on me being easy to talk to and caring, and I appreciate that but all those relationships were either me reaching out as I was hungry😈 and we've kept in touch or when they reached out to me but its been gradual and I've been given space to breathe😘 so great reviews don't guarantee a sale, conversely I Don't put stock in how many reviews a Seller has, infact I'd rather go with interaction than volume of reviews especially as I See nigh on giveaway discounts just for more reviews and is a turn off in itself so just do You and they'll come organically!
Never take being bl#*ed personally, there was a real good blog about it a while back and it doesn't mean it's necessarily personal, it could be energy not meshing, it could be amount you post as it's not for everyone.... if people are shouting outside my house I shut window, doesn't mean I hate them, just means I don't care about their noise!
DAMN This is only thing I feel taboo about chatting about on here, I'm massive advocate of it's YOUR Business so You price as You feel! But never [ unless drunk?! ] spoke about My budget so here goes....
First off I'm spending far less than ever on here [ NOT Through choice!! ] but when I Am able to I Don't have a cast iron "I Have to justify spending over it" as I Can't do the justifying ANYTHING Gimmick, life's too short but I'll give You ball park for knickers / thongs as that's what brought Me here. I Tend to look at spending £15-20 on a pair for a 24 hour wear and usually need 3 or 4 day wear and look at £5 per extra day so around the £25-35 range [ adding postage where appropriate ].
Again that's NOT To say I Won't go above that because I Have numerous times and still will if there's connection and / or attraction but if Your pricing's above that and You haven't already read My bio on top of that then a first message to Me is realistically going nowhere. My spending ain't consistent at the moment and that and budget might not be same as other buyer's but I Never dream of haggling with Seller's and mentioning other Seller's prices so won't accept the same!
Payment Methods
CA was main go-to but like most of U.K Has gone to shit over here now so Pal of Pay and bank transfers are now my go-to's, they can be a bitch but simplest to use for this DumbArse! After nearly 3 year's have only just figured out KinkCoins too but would much rather send Ya's something where You get money earlier!
Private Profiles
As I Alluded to in an earlier post, It's completely subjective decision and one only You as a Seller can decide whether to set profile to public or private! You could get every other buyer giving You a different answer as to whether it puts them off or not but Peace of mind, feeling safe and comfortable should dictate Your choice above any other factors!
Can always change it as You go along but never let it be a stress!
My own personal perspective on this is if I think there's something there it wouldn't put Me off and I'd request to follow but if I Can't afford to ask for anything at the time it's unlikely I'll request til I Can so I Can check out Your shop then.
No Premium here
Each to their own but won't be going premium, if You've dealt with Me You know, if not, You've gotta do what You gotta do!
Gonna probably update on
#2yearsofsniffing into
#3yearsofsniffing with added names soon enough and continue
#Snatchoftheday ,
#ISpyWithMyLittleNose ,
#MacciesMonday ,
#TacoorTequilaTuesday ,
#WendysWednesday ,
#ThaisdayorThirstyThursday ,
#TGIFridayTFIFriday ,
#SambucaSaturday and
#SubwaySunday soon as too but going back to messaging, these are strictly a big up for seller's and a nudge for buyer's towards them they AIN'T An invite to get in my inbox and wonder where they are on shout outs, everything i do here is organic and anything else wears on me!!
Be lucky and carry on doing you, don't let toxic energy grind ya down and never take it personally if a conversation you instigated goes nowhere, we're all built different and make this place work in our own ways so read bio's, they might give you some idea of what's up and save time😘 Xx