Reviews 18 members

Showing 1-10 of 18 reviews

Princ3ssP3ach US

11mos ago

Great buyer! Friendly, was patient with me & paid for the order right away like we discussed, gave me extra than what I asked since I was offering a sale price at the time! Hope he had fun & enjoyed and comes back for more 😉
Def welcome anytime. 10⭐️

Deleted Review

Deleted User

11mos ago

Great guy to work with !!! 10/10 xoxoxoxo

Great buyer! Friendly, patient, prompt payment..the list goes on! A pleasure to work with, come back soon babe😘

Jtoms1989 has proven to be a great buyer. Super kind and polite. Very appreciative of your time and energy, which just makes him that more deserving. Highly recommend working with this gentleman if he reaches out to you , you won't regret it.

Strawbaby US

1yr ago

very nice, paid promptly! highly recommend

Such a great buyer, and he’s come back to me once or twice! He knew exactly what he wanted, and even understood when I had a mistype in my payment method - he quickly cancelled and resent the transaction and made sure I received it. He pays quickly, and is such a gem to work with!

Lovely buyer, he knew what he wanted, paid promptly, and most importantly was very kind and polite, i had a great overall experience

Great buyer will definitely work with him again and hopefully soon😜🔥 hope ur having a good one babe😘

Deleted Review

Deleted User

1yr ago

Lovely buyer! Knew what he wanted, was friendly, paid promptly upon his order request! And super patient knowing there was a little bit of a wait! 10/10 would work with again ❤️

Longtoes45 US

1yr ago

Very easy to work with. Fast payer

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