NOTE: I'm a busy guy. If you don't get a reply right away after messaging me, that's why. My bestfriend KellyC1 on here take up some of my time too. Life just happens like that. I also don't log in here everyday or check my messages much. So, with all that said...I do buy on occasion, but if I want something, I will come to you. No need to spam my inbox with your wares. I don't really buy from outside the USA either as I'm here mainly for webcam anyway.
With that said:
Hey now! They call me Stoney, good to meet ya!
I'm just a heteros**ual guy with a female, lingerie, and panty fetish! Talk to me! Talking is fun! Tali-ho!
NOTICE: If you want to back out of a transaction or if something happens where you can't make it after we set it all up, just tell me (or at least try to). No harm, no foul as life happens. No need to just bail and ghost me out of nowhere, that's so wrong on many levels! It's not good karma either.
Want to know more? Send a message if you wanna chat (yes chat as in talk, not spam me with your wares).