If you see a seller with a bio that’s obviously been copied and pasted from another seller, do you:

Tell the newer account to be original - 6%
Tell the older account someone’s copied it - 26%
Tell both because either might have changed it - 6%
Tell neither cos you got better things to do - 63%

Voti Totali: 35

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Altri Sondaggi

Are you an early bird 🐦 or night owl? 🦉

Who remembers this conundrum... Daddy, or chips? 🤣

Sellers. Are you interested in "getting to know" your buyers at all. To make the experience better.

Who missed me? 😂😂 Ide love to say im back but.... who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 (just want to try a poll) 😂

Who’s else is spending today alone 🙋🏻‍♀️

Favorite style of shoes to purchase?

Do you like me more as a Domme or a Sub?

My shop should include more of?

What's your favorite type of socks?

What kinda lingerie you're hoping me to list? 👙

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