Has @PinkTootsiesLittleGuy earned his way to buying some socks?

Yes he’s been teased enough already. - 5%
Yes but more reparations are needed. - 42%
No he’ll never be worthy. - 47%
Maybe - Let’s see how things go. - 5%

Voti Totali: 19

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Pantie order going in. Whats your favourite?

Would you rather have panties smell like?

I’m new here what would buyers like to see me offer?

A little experiment to see how many people this reaches

Buyers, what would you like to see more of from me?😘

What's your favourite item to buy??

Do buyers on here prefer pre-worn or custom items?

What do you enjoy seeing sellers post about?

One for the Sellers : What do you admire more from other sellers ?

Favorite style of shoes to purchase?

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