Buyers, What do you think of having to pay to message sellers? And how much would you even be willing to pay?

I will not pay to message a seller. (What if I just have a question?) - 82%
I would pay $1 and never more. - 0%
I would pay up to a few dollars if the bio is someone I’m pretty sure I’d work with. - 7%
I don’t really care either way. Won’t stop me from enjoying this site. Or other (pls comment) - 11%

Voti Totali: 28

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Altri Sondaggi

Did everyone have a good valentines day?🥰❤️

Sellers-How horny does it make you preparing your buyers items?

What you like to see in my shop?

Favorite style of shoes to purchase?

Buyers how do you find sellers

Buyers, how do you prefer your items to be packaged?

Buyers: What entices you to buy from a seller?

Do buyers on here prefer pre-worn or custom items?

Sellers. Are you interested in "getting to know" your buyers at all. To make the experience better.

BUYERS: are you more likely to purchase something is a seller posts a 'Sale'

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