It's been a long time, but I'm back... and some Sellers have given me some recent feedback about this Bio? They think I’m a freeloader?
They have the wrong idea. This Bio is not meant as a "please send me something for nothing" it just tells my story in (I hope) an amusing way! Anyway, I pay my way (read my reviews) and I hope to meet your acquaintance soon! Read on you lovely Sellers!:-
- I am first and foremost a Gentleman, but I need to send a perhaps ungentlemanly message to all you Sellers!
So ladies, we've all seen the letters page in womens' magazines' that start "Dear Madge, I'm really embarra**ed about a smell I'm getting "down there"..!" etc, etc.
Well hey "Worried of (feel free to enter your hometown)", don't be embarra**ed, all you have to do is send all your smellies to Uncle Buck who will worship them in the way only a man can...😈
Even if you don't have any problems like that, most ladies get that "after-s**" smell the next morning when they've had their partners juices simmering with theirs all night! And I KNOW what happens in the morning. You put your finger down there, bring it to your nose and sniff... (admission, I AM getting turned on by this). "OMG I have to shower!" Well - don't you DARE!!!😠 Get that smell to me! Somehow!
And that's me in a nutshell. Look forward to hearing from you!
Buck 😘