Hi there it’s lovely meeting you,
I go by the ino on here but tend to use my real name or a shortened version for people I know well, I am currently a student with an interest in understanding more about myself and having a bit of fun whilst doing so. I love having conversations with people and talking about my studies or just general hobbies so feel free to drop me a message and I would be happy to tell you all about myself. I’m mainly on here for feet related content however I am still trying to explore my interests so would be more than interested in trying something with you if there was something in particular you wanted to do but didn’t have any customers for, if it p**ks my interest so just let me know, I consider myself rather respectful so don’t worry about how random it might seem as I don’t judge and respect everyone as much as they respect me. I will say I do have a tendency to stick to sellers who I've been purchasing from for a while but I do tend to try out newer sellers from time to time, I just prefer to get to know people first, so please don't be offended if I'm not interested at first.
Thank you for dropping by my profile even if you don’t message me, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and enjoy your time here on ATW.
Last note, sorry I won’t keep you here reading for too long 😂, I tend to be on and off the website due to my university work so even if I don’t respond immediately I always try my best to get back to every message even if I takes a day or two 😅.
Best of wishes to you wonderful people, Ino 😁