Protecting Your Mental Health as a Sex Worker

Kinks_and_curves By Kinks_and_curves 1727 views 2nd Mar 2022

Seller Motivational
Protecting Your Mental Health as a Sex Worker

Mental Health in the World of Buying and Selling Used Panties

I’m writing this blog to highlight the importance of your mental well being when it comes to buying and selling. I will talk openly as well as share some ideas on how to help. I feel this is an important topic to cover.

You have to put you first

Being a seller is tough enough already. There are days when it can and does get emotionally tiring and draining. As sellers, we deal with a lot more than people realise but this is where we need to check in with ourselves and know when to take a break, to step back and put ourselves first, apply some self-care, have a day off from it all or whatever is needed.

This of course applies to buyers as well sometimes you need to just stop and take that break. Putting yourself and your mental well being first is not selfish it is necessary!

You are still sexy

Mental health still has a stigma attached to it and we can end up questioning ourselves. We already compare ourselves enough but add depression or anxiety in and it blurs the lines. Will someone buy from me? Will it put someone off? Does it matter? Will anyone want me?

If you have a mental health issue you are no less of a person, you matter, you are strong and you are sexy and that does not just apply to buying and selling but in general.

How can buying and selling affect my mental health?

It can vary, it can affect your mental well being in general or inflate or trigger a mental health problem. The world of selling used items is not easy. It is not always nice and that can take a toll.

If someone calls you names or gives you some abuse it can be difficult. It is normal that over time that this can affect you. This is why I said above it is important to take a break and to know when.

It can also be tough when you have low moods, depression, anxiety, OCD and so on. We all have lives outside of this and nobody knows what someone is going through. I am not writing this to scare you, I feel it needs to be discussed and highlighted so we can better understand it and help each other.

Self-care is important

I can not stress this point enough! Take the time for yourself. Self-care is essential to keep us balanced. If you are having a hard day, feeling low, anxiety has reared its ugly head and so on take some time out and do what makes you feel good. Have a bath or shower, watch something you enjoy, talk to someone, order some food, go for a walk, do whatever it is that soothes you and helps, also stay hydrated!

What can we do to help ourselves?

Self-care, taking breaks, giving ourselves a break, being open and honest, talking about how you feel. Remember you are strong and this does get better. You are not weak!

Why have I written this blog?

Sex work and mental health come with a lot of stigma and in my opinion, so does buying to a degree. These things are something I am passionate about and I feel they need discussing. I also think they are things that need to be said.

I am not one to shy away from speaking my mind or from helping others, I hope by writing this is it will let you know you are not alone, that I understand.

Some people feel they can be open and honest and say yeah I struggle with this and some feel it is something they are scared to mention and that it has no place in buying and selling. It should all be about fun and yes it is an escapism but we are all human and I feel it helps us connect better, it helps us understand.

Limits and boundaries

These need to be respected at all times, don’t question someone when they say no I don’t offer that, don’t ask why, they may find it triggering. It is the same when offering something, stop and think does that need to come with a warning.

What can we do as a community?

Respect and look out for each other, offer a listening ear (or message) respect limits and boundaries. Remember that sellers and buyers have lives outside of this, offer support and most of all remember to be kind, we really have no idea what someone is going through. Manners and being nice cost nothing!

Using kink as a form of therapy

Kink and fetish play an important part in people’s lives and can be an escapism. It can be almost therapeutic, especially if you have felt you have kept it hidden or had no way or nobody to express it with. This is why I am so open I want buyers to trust me to know that they are safe with me. That trust is fragile and a gift they have given me.

On the flip side of this kink and fetish are not a substitute for therapy or professional help, if you feel you are struggling please reach out to someone.

Personal experience

I myself have battled and continue to battle with mental health.This is why I am so passionate about it and helping others. I have spent a lot of time studying and understanding it.

As a seller some days it is tough but my confidence has grown. I wanted to share this with you because I don’t hide who I am, I like who I am, what I have just said does not take away the fact I am a strong woman who has a lot to offer and is still sexy!

I want you to know you are not alone, I am always here for you. It does get better, you can do this. Selling has given me a way to express myself and meet some amazing people. You are enough! Please do not think I can’t sell. Buyers don’t ever feel you can’t explore or play or you that there is anything wrong with having a kink or fetish you are awesome. Just be you always! Apply self-care, take breaks but most of all have fun!

Thanks for reading

Stay kinky and kind! X

By Kinks_and_curves

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