New To The Foot Fetish World? Me too...

Admin Team By Admin Team 13695 views 19th Oct 2020

General Feet
New To The Foot Fetish World? Me too...

About me

My name is Elise aka Velvetcrush on All Things Worn. I'm a 42-year-old, experienced and well-respected nurse. I'm married to my high school sweetheart. We've been together more than half of our lives and it's only ever been us. Neither of us has slept with other people. Ever. I know, unheard of. And we're still happily married and best friends.

New to foot fetishism

I joined ATW recently so I am writing this from the perspective of someone new to the fetish world, foot fetishism, in particular. And someone who is new to the whole world of selling personal items like used panties, socks, pantyhose and more.

My husband and I had been completely satisfied with our "normal" sex life without having an urge for more.

But then, unexpectedly, this whole new world opened up for us. It has us acting like teenagers all over again!

I'd first like to tell you a little about foot fetishes and then will tell you my personal intro to it.

Most common sexual fetish

According to Wikipedia foot worship or foot fetishism is the most common type of sexual fetish. There's a reference in writing about foot fetishism from 1220!

"Foot fetishism has been defined as a pronounced sexual interest in feet. For a foot fetishist, points of attraction may include the shape and size of feet and toes (e.g. long toes, short toes, painted toenails, short or long toenail beds, high arches, soles, etc.), jewellery (e.g. toe rings, anklets, etc.), treatments (such as massaging, washing partner's feet or painting partner's toenails), state of dress (barefoot, flip-flops, sandals, high heels, hosiery, socked feet, etc.), foot odour or sensory interaction (e.g., rubbing the foot, tickling, smelling, kissing, biting, licking, sucking toes, rubbing genitals on foot, etc."

According to Live Science, "Feet are second behind sex organs as the most commonly eroticized body parts, and there may be a scientific reason why. Feet and genitals occupy adjacent areas of the brain's somatosensory cortex. In other words, areas of the brain that control genital pleasure and foot pleasure are neighbors."

My first sales experience

I'm far from an expert and don't claim to be. But my first sales experience was absolutely amazing and mind-blowing. I listed this photo and with it an offering for a home pedicure experience.

foot fetish

I really thought I'd just be trimming, filing and painting my toenails for someone who liked that sort of thing. But during our chat, I asked a few questions to customize the video. When he said he liked to smell, lick and suck on toes I wanted to give him a personalized experience. 

I start the video by washing my feet. Soap-suds running down my feet and toes. Even in the bath, I've never really washed them so sensually where I truly appreciated the warmth and feel of the silky bubbly bath, the sponge against my soles and soap running between my toes. Then I massaged them. Really massaged them, feeling my soles and in between my toes like I never have before. I put my feet and toes into the camera lens closer and imagined what it would be like to have them kissed and sucked. I did paint my toenails after the foot bath then later applied lotion. Again, with the thick, creamy lotion, I touched and caressed my feet in a way that was new to me and very erotic. I had to pause the video, not once, but twice, to orgasm, basically just from the thought of someone having my toes in their mouth, my feet wrapped around them, my soles being kissed and licked, hot heavy breath on my feet while he inhaled the scent of them.

Being completely transparent here, I have to say I joined ATW to make some extra money off of my already used and worn items. I didn't care who they went to. "If someone gets off on it, good for them," was my attitude. Just give me the money! 

Fetish community

What I got instead was finding a whole community of people who are so kind, accepting and non-judgmental.  Lots of teachers and nurses, stay-at-home-moms, college students and various professionals. People like me, who are highly sensual and sexual, open-minded and curious. 

Lo and behold, I found my people!

I ended up changing my profile to reflect a little more on the foot fetish but, to be honest, I'm still finding my niche. My husband and I have had a huge increase and intensity in our sex life. He loves exploring my feet now and I am happy to have him do it. I honestly never knew that foot worship would be such a turn on for me. When he touches, kisses and licks each part it sends shivers down my spine. 

Explore your kinks and fetishes

As a member of ATW, I'm sure you are an open-minded individual. But I'd like to invite you to explore other areas of sexuality that you haven't yet explored. Sex is natural. Our odours and secretions are natural. Whoever said they are dirty or forbidden didn't know what they were talking about. I'm going to explore fetishes more, both the history, writings and in real life!

You never know where, when or how your life will take a turn. I urge you to continue to be open-minded, curious and adventurous. March to the beat of your own drum. Life is too short to not be fully enjoyed. Never be ashamed of who you are. Be true to yourself because you may just inspire someone else to be true to themselves too. 

I want to thank my first buyer. He said my feet are like a Goddesses. (What? My feet? They are far from perfect). He told me how they turned him on. He made me feel a way I have never felt about my feet. He made me feel truly special. My husband has been truly encouraging and supportive. Exploring our sexuality at this age is as exciting, if not more, than if we had done it in our younger years.

If I never make a lot of money on ATW, I won't care. I want to encourage sellers to be OK with feeling beautiful and desired like the Goddesses they are. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable you have the option to block and/or report them. You do what's comfortable for you. Sometimes though, you may make a connection, however brief in this lifetime, that changes you in some way for the better. It could come from anywhere at any time. You just have to be open to it.

Have fun. Enjoy the exchanges you make and allow them to let you feel whatever it is you feel. Don't just sell your old items. There is something so much better about it when you truly love the idea of them pleasing someone else, both for the seller and the buyer. 

Kink on, my friends!

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