How I Achieved The #1 Seller Rank As an Inexperienced Sex Worker

4244 views 21st Jul 2022

Seller Tips For Sellers
How I Achieved The #1 Seller Rank As an Inexperienced Sex Worker

(July 2022)

Hi all, thank you for taking some time out of your day to read what I have to say. I have been asked by many to share some tips and tricks regarding my success here on ATW.

I never in a million years would have guessed to have this much support and interest being a first-time sex worker. The community here has been nothing but supportive and kind and I would like to do my part and share any insights I can when it comes to being a productive seller.

Now without further adieu, below are helpful topics from someone who has never worked in the sex industry before.

Do Not Ignore Your Page or Bio

Your page resembles who you are as a person/seller to the ATW community. It is very important that you fill it out as accurately and detailed as possible as buyers and sellers alike love to know who you are!

Your biography and page are the face of your business and typically the first thing people see before reaching out to you. Things like your scents, hobbies, and what you offer help break the ice and encourage compatible buyers to reach out to you.

Also big shout out to @admin for introducing the new pin feature. Please make sure you are using this to your advantage! Pinning your promotions or new listings will only help you grow.

Side note; Please do not copy other seller's bios

Profile Pictures

I know people may have different opinions but from my experience, setting a photo of yourself, whether it shows your face or not, will leave a better impression than one that does not.

This is referring to cartoon/drawn-up photos or perhaps a picture of your favorite anime or show. Buyers love to know who is behind the computer or phone screen. They want an experience and connection, not just a transaction.

Set a profile picture that best suits you and what you can offer.

How to Approach Buyers

Out of all of the topics being discussed here, this has to be the most important one. Buyers come in all kinds of shapes, sizes and personalities. Approaching each and every one of them appropriately can seem daunting at first.

What I need you to do is view these people not just as “buyers” but as sentient individuals in search of a great product. Please do not start a conversation with them explaining your daily deals or bundle prices. Get to know them, find out why they are on your page, or simply ask how their day is going. Creating meaningful interactions with them is 1000x more attractive than spewing out your sales pitch.

Check the buyers' dash as frequently as possible and see if you are a match for what they are requesting. I find that a lot of my sales stem from inquiring about these posts. Even if you are not able to offer everything they are requesting, send them a quick message and see if they are willing to work with you and your limitations. If they decline, respectfully back away from the conversation and keep trucking. This means to end the conversation, don’t just ghost them after being denied. An example can be “Ok no problem, I understand completely. Have a wonderful rest of your day!“

One thing to note however is that you will be shot down from time to time. Just move on, and try to be as positive as possible. Posting negativity on the dash is almost never a good idea. Buyers are there to release and have an enjoyable time. The last thing they want to see is how angry you are about a pricing dispute or shipping issue.

I know it’s difficult to always put a smile on but these behaviors will only impact you in a positive way. What you have to understand as a seller and individual is that not everyone will be on the same page as you.

Respecting Your Comfort Zone

The title says it all. Do not ever feel required to do something you’ll regret. You must respect your body, ideologies and boundaries no matter the pressure. Your mental health is more important than any monetary value.

You want to just show your feet? Just show feet. You don’t want to show your face? Please do not show your face. If buyers cannot respect your decisions, then they do not deserve your time. Block them and move on to the next one. This way you will find buyers that are more compatible with you and that are willing to help you succeed.


Perhaps my favorite topic, listings! I come from a reselling background and have found that the more listings you have the more sales you’ll get. This is due to many factors but most importantly is the fact that you are reaching a bigger audience when you have a variety of listings.

Get creative and have fun with your shop. Taking high-resolution photos with good lighting is also very important. Buyers want a clear picture and understanding of the product you are trying to sell without second guessing.

I would also try to list a few items each and every week. Fresh products/ideas attract buyers from all corners of the site.

There is always room for more listings! Knowing little to nothing about this kinky world, I leaned on my sales/reselling experience to help me thrive. Do not forget about the wonderful reposting feature. Especially when you have no new items to post. Keeping your shop active and alive shows commitment and promise to the community.

Ask Questions

Being completely new to this world I was lost and overwhelmed my first few days here on ATW. Luckily this platform has one hell of a community. Sellers and even some buyers are willing to share valuable information with you if you just ask.

Supporting each other here will only help spread positivity and promote growth for every single one of us. There is always something to learn. Post your question on the dash or simply message that one person you’ve been dying to talk to. Please don’t be afraid to approach someone, what is the worst thing that can happen?

Pricing and Compromise

Lastly, I'd like to touch on pricing and closing sales. You are worth what you think you are worth. No one can ever take that away from you. Unfortunately, even with that being said, this is a saturated marketplace where being successful requires you to respect the current value of goods.

Pricing your items/services competitively will give you the edge you need to be on top. That does not mean undervaluing what you have to offer. Just try to analyze and understand what buyers are willing to pay for the items/services you want to sell. This can be done by checking top-ranking buyers listing prices, using ATW’s price estimator when listing or by simply asking around.

This leads me to my final thoughts regarding compromise. Sometimes buyers don’t have enough money or agree with a listing price. Please do not take this the wrong way and dismiss them. Rather, ask them what they had in mind or what they are willing to spend on such a product/service and secure the sale. This is more of a personal preference but usually, the most I will compromise on a product or service is $5-10 depending on what the listing is. No one is forcing you to follow what I do, but I will say this has helped me close a handful of sales. I like to move my product, not sit on it waiting for it to sell itself.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read what I had to say. Please do not be afraid to message me with any questions you may have. I wish you all nothing but sexcess!

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