Finding an Unexpected Connection on ATW - A Buyer's Perspective

948 views 12th Jul 2024

Buyer Buyers’ Perspective
Finding an Unexpected Connection on ATW - A Buyer's Perspective

This blog is about being a buyer on ATW and finding a connection with a seller and forming a truly remarkable and cherished friendship.

So my journey to the site started 6 or 7 years ago when I began buying used socks on another platform. From that first pair I purchased I knew my kink was used socks and everything about them. It became too difficult to purchase on that platform, so I stopped purchasing. I found ATW after somewhat of a break from purchasing, set up an account and started looking on the dash. I couldn’t believe how many beautiful items and sellers and so many different things there were to purchase. I spent about 2 months on the site before actually making my first purchase, I guess it was all new and I was a bit nervous about it to be honest. My first purchase was easy and went smoothly and from a great seller.

It wasn’t long after I received my first review that a seller Blonde_bombshell messaged me outlining what she offered. After a few back and forth messages I decided to do some tasks for her. She then asked if I wanted to do a weekly purchase of 2 tasks per day. As a manager and a small business owner I found doing tasks a strange relief from always being in control and telling others what to do. I agreed and became her slave. Changed profile pic and name as well as bio to show that I was owned and slave to her. For three fantastic months I was slave and owned doing all tasks as required and enjoyed doing them and interacting with BB on a daily basis. During this time, I also started to purchase items from her and was blown away by them. I remember asking her if there was ever a task that no one had completed for her. Her reply was get the initials BB tattooed somewhere. I was a bit taken back by that and thought a tattoo was permanent LOL. A couple of weeks after that I had decided that I wanted to do it, I wanted her initials as I could feel we were becoming more than buyer and seller. I didn’t tell her I was getting it done, it was a surprise for her. I sent a pic as soon as I had it done, and she couldn’t believe that I had actually done it. I felt a sense of achievement and loyalty having the initials.

Not long after this a received a diagnosis of testicular cancer. I underwent the necessary procedures and am now all clear. It was a very tough time and through that period BB was there checking in several times a day to make sure I was ok and if she could do anything for me. I struggled with the treatment and the whole period and in haste deleted my account from ATW. Still talking with BB I re-joined and made a new account. There’s no doubt she helped immensely with that period and I will always owe her for helping me get through that period.

We stopped doing tasks at about the same time, but we still messaged every day. From there our connection started to grow and we became friends.

I then made a mistake and almost lost our friendship. I still to this day regret and don’t like talking about that period of time.

We both mutually decided to give our strange and unexpected friendship another chance. I am so thankful that BB gave me another chance this is the point when I realised how important our friendship was. It was at this time I gave her my exclusivity and loyalty as a buyer and as a friend and I have remained true to that.

Never in a million years would I have thought that I would find the most amazing friend, although I still purchase a lot of BBs items I am her friend first and buyer second and throughout our time not once has she told me to buy anything she is the most respectful person. When I joined the site, I wasn’t looking for a connection or friendship and also never expected it to happen. Our friendship grows from strength to strength and becomes more important every day and we will always remain friends. Now BBs initials mean so much more and I am proud to have them always. Thankyou Blonde_bombshell for always being there for me and being the best friend I could ever have.

I am so thankful for ATW as without this site I wouldn’t have made a best friend and found someone I care about so much. This site can be so much more than just buying used items if you let it. The experience of buying is so much better if and when you find that special seller that you connect with.


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