Community Resources

Admin Team By Admin Team 32043 views 31st May 2023

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Community Resources

A one stop community resource centre for all, regularly updated. Click on each link to learn more.

Topics covered include KinkCoins, Guides from Admin, Pricing, Online Safety, Shipping, General Tips, and Health and Wellness.

If you have resources you think might be useful to the community, please reach out to Admin and share them with us!


What are KinkCoins?

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Guides from Admin


Rules & Guidelines

Top Tips on How to Become a Successful Seller of Used Panties & Well-Worn Shoes

How to Spot a Timewaster Part 1

How to Spot a Timewaster Part 2

What is a Sugar Daddy Scammer & How do You Spot One?

New to Panty Selling? Dare To Be Different!

Buy & Sell Feet Pics & Vids Online!

Guide to Selling Feet Pics Online

How & Where to Buy & Sell Men's Feet Pics


Pricing Your Products and Services

Shared by XRubyRed

Am I Undercharging? A Guide to Pricing and How to Know Your Worth

Courtesy of AnimeSenpai

Feetfullspread’s Pricing Guide - Google Document

Courtesy of Feetfullspread

TidalWave679’s Pricing Guide - Google Document

Courtesy of TidalWave679

Online Safety

How to Remove Location and Meta Data from Digital Content - Google Document

Courtesy of LaylaXOXXOX

Deciding to Remain Anonymous on ATW

Courtesy of TerraTwinkleToes

How To Stay Safe Selling Your Used Boxer's Online Part 1

Courtesy of MrBossAmerica

How To Stay Safe Selling Your Used Boxer's Online Part 2

Courtesy of MrBossAmerica

Online Sex Work & Cyber Security

Courtesy of Miss_Ophellia

Tips for Protecting Yourself When Selling Used Items & Content Online

Courtesy of Kinks_and_curves

VPN, Safety and Sex Work

Courtesy of OpenGuyUK


The Best Way to Ship Men's Used Underwear Part 1

Courtesy of MrBossAmerica

The Best Way to Ship Men's Used Underwear Part 2

Courtesy of MrBossAmerica

How to Send Used Panties Discreetly in the UK

Courtesy of AnimeSenpai

How To Perfectly Ship Your Well-Worn Shoes

Courtesy of Shoeweet

General Tips

The All Things Naughty and Nice Podcast – Website

The All Things Naughty and Nice Podcast - Spotify

Courtesy of Kinks_and_curves and Alexibun

Quick Tips for New Sellers - Google Document

Courtesy of Sasha_Star

Help for New Sellers

Courtesy of MidwestMom

Seller Help - Free Guidance And Tips!

Courtesy of Alexibun

What I Learned In My First Month Selling - Q&A - Google Document

Courtesy of Feetfullspread

How to Write an Effective Bio on MTW

Courtesy of MrBossAmerica

10 Tips for New Sellers - Google Document

Courtesy of ToeDoe

How to Write an Effective Bio on MTW

Courtesy of MrBossAmerica

Making Your Personality Stand Out When Selling Used Undies on MTW

Courtesy of MrBossAmerica

Buyers - How to Protect Yourself & What To Do When Things Go Wrong

Courtesy of JayJay

Beginners Guide to Being a Great Buyer of Used Men’s Underwear, Jocks, Socks and More

Courtesy of JayJay

Tips on How to Become a Top Seller of Used Mens Items

Courtesy of JayJay

Making Your Profile Private - What to Expect

Courtesy of PorcelainWitch23

How to Write the Ultimate Profile Bio

Courtesy of BadKitten

Staying Organized as a New Seller

Courtesy of Sweetpantymilk

How to Start Selling on ATW

Courtesy of Tattooedbarbie2005

Health and Wellness

Let’s Talk About Mental Health

Courtesy of Miss_Delight

Strategies to Improve Mental Wellbeing

Courtesy of HanaHikara

How to Maintain Good Mental Health as a Sex Worker

Courtesy of Maddiereed

Protecting Your Mental Health as an ATW Seller

Courtesy of Emogoddess97

Dealing With Stress

Courtesy of ToeDoe

A Guide to Internal Hygiene: Keeping your Kitty Wet and Healthy

Courtesy of Satsumacutie

What Panty Buyers & Sellers Should Know About Vaginal Discharge

Courtesy of VelvetCrush

Endometriosis: A Figment of Your Imagination or a Debilitating Disease?

Courtesy of LittleBits

The Ugly Truth...Surviving Endometriosis

Courtesy of UndeniablyKinky

Endometriosis Resources from WHO

Endometriosis Pain & Symptom Diary by Endometriosis UK

The Ugly Truth...Surviving Endometriosis

NHS Overview of Breast Cancer in Women

NHS Overview of Breast Cancer in Men

Breast Cancer Self Examination: PDF

Breast Cancer Self Examination: Video

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MistressLacey Thank you,Tidal, I was curious. Selling at fairs is so different as they walk up and buy it off your table. With this I don't have to drive or lug things into a building.

Tidal @MistressLacey #1. To delete photos go to your profile, scroll down to photos, click 'view all images', click 'remove' at the bottom of any images you want to delete. #2. It is totally normal for it to take days, weeks, or even months to make your first sale here.

MistressLacey I have a question, well, two questions. I am new to this in regards to selling. I used to sell at fetish fairs, and doing it in person is way different. 1. I have looked everywhere and can't find anything on how to remove pictures. 2. How long did it take everyone to make a sale? Thank you ladies.

Tidal You guys need to send them a message directly not comment on this post.

Tidal @Cananon send admin a message and they will give you an email to send your blog submission to

Cananon I'd love to write a blog from the perspective of finding validation in unorthodox kinks here! How might I go about that?

CodyMcNay @Unmasque_me check blog on community guidelines/rules. From my understanding it wouldnt be though

Tidalwave679 @Unmasque_me nipples, full vulva, anus, full penis, and balls are supposed to be censored

Unmasque_me I'm new and I have a question so much needed help please-- Is it considered nudity if the nipples are not showing, or vagina lips covered by pubic hair (yes, i'm natural)? I don't want to be banned if I'm technically naked but tthe details above are covered.

Sissy4domme @Alexibun my writing is so bad it's just not funny. Sentences tend to run multiple lines which isn't good to read, and punctuation makes it worse

Alexibun @Sissy4domme Buyer experiences, yes, buyer overwhelm no. Sorry. You should write about it. 😊

Sissy4domme @Alexibun I did have a look, but there doesn't appear to be anything about how overwhelming the site and messages can be to a new user

Alexibun @Sissy4domme There are blogs from buyers, def check them out!

Sissy4domme Have you ever had anything from the buyers perspective, first coming onto the site and how they perceive the site and their experience in buying on the site?

MilfFootVixen1986 @PorcelainWitch23 thank you that means alot!

PorcelainWitch23 @MilfFootVixen1986 absolutely! Selling should always be a pleasure. Feel free to ask questions! I know most of us are happy to answer them.

MilfFootVixen1986 @PorcelainWitch23 thank you I will definitely check it out! I am soaking up all the info I can because I want to please my buyers and myself.

PorcelainWitch23 @MilfFootVixen1986 there's other really great blogs here that didn't quite seem to make it into this blog, I highly recommend the one written by @teacherbitch. There's some others that less about the general starting and security but more about the experience of selling that are also amazing. I highly recommend the blogs section to anyone new. There's really great information in them.

MilfFootVixen1986 @Mumscreationsbyd I was able to read a few of them yesterday and got side tracked reading the comments on here. I am VERY new to all of this and was super excited when I seen this because this was exactly what I was looking for to hopefully help me grown in the business.

Alexibun @TidalWave679 Yes, it's really helpful! I've sent it to so many new sellers when I've seen them shouting for help on the dash! I'm also thrilled that the podcast is listed as well, the more support for each other, the better experience for everyone. 😊

TidalWave679 Ignoring the drama in the comments - I'm super happy that my pricing guide will now be even more accessible to sellers, particularly newer sellers. When I first started I was incredibly overwhelmed and didn't know what my items were worth. That's why I created the guide in the first place.

XRubyRed @EncasedEmbraced Ugh that is SO disappointing to hear! Thank you for your support and solidarity. Let me know when that premade launches and I’ll be the first to buy it. I need more of your lovely self in my life. ❤️

ExquisiteOrchid Demand is high as fuck so where does this theory come into actual play

Alexibun @BrookesTreat My pricing would be higher if there was one. 🤣

PorcelainWitch23 @Sir_Ahmed 🥰 and this is the respect and understanding we are asking for! Thank you!

TidalWave679 @SexyCece exactly. The guides are a reference because when you join you don't know how to price your items and often under price on an extreme level.

MilfFootVixen1986 @TidalWave679 thank you!! So glad to be here

TidalWave679 @MilfFootVixen1986 welcome to the community! 🩷😊

MilfFootVixen1986 Definitely reading this! Just getting started and would love to really have this take off. 😍

TidalWave679 @Miss_Ophellia 👏👏👏👏👏

XRubyRed @Miss_Ophellia @PorcelainWitch23 @GingerPhoenix 💯 yes to all of this. And HOT TAKE for newer sellers: keeping your prices high allows you to make more money while doing less work. Basic math! I choose to get paid $100 for an hour’s work instead of charging $20 for the same thing and having to work 5 hours. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

TidalWave679 @XRubyRed 👏👏👏👏👏

PorcelainWitch23 @GingerPhoenix 👏👏🙌 all of this! Not everyone is going to work with every buyer. I know I'm quite picky in what I choose to do. Those that respect me and pay my prices get above and beyond my efforts to give them what they desire and spent their well earned money on. We deserve that respect.

GingerPhoenix My 2 cents on pricing: I know I'm worth so much more than what some people charge on ATW. They are, too, imho. I'm a professional amateur and don't give a fuck about the labels: my price is my price, and the reward is more than nice. Can't pay? Can't play. Just go on with your day. I'm here to slay. Many of us here are quite experienced, highly prized, and love the community! A rising tide lifts all ships and keeps economies running. There's plenty of free porn out there for the cheapskates and those with poorly-endowed wallets. For the rest of you, show respect and pay us fair prices for our work. Trust me - we're worth it. xx

GingerPhoenix So helpful, @Admin! xx Thank you to all the contributors! xx

BrookesTreat Kink is luxury, not necessity. Sellers shouldn’t have to undercharge in order to make sure buyers on a budget can afford their kink…we don’t owe anyone anything. If you can’t afford the kink, wait and come back when you can or find a seller offering it at your price. Just don’t bargain trying to guilt sellers into undercharging and potentially losing all profit in a sale, just because someone claims they can’t afford it.

PorcelainWitch23 @XRubyRed nailed it!! 👏 And this is why I like to do longer play contracts and not one off sessions or tasks. In reality the pay out is not worth the effort I put in for safe play.

CodyMcNay @XRubyRed yeah i get the purpose of it

XRubyRed @CodyMcNay People have absolutely been under-pricing themselves recently. That's why admin has posted these guides for sellers to better value themselves.

CodyMcNay @Alexibun ah i see. Theres a few price guides

CodyMcNay @Alexibun through the links on the blog

Alexibun @CodyMcNay Where did you see that? On Tidal's pricing guide it's $10 which is a common price.

CodyMcNay @XRubyRed ive had a few tasks before and never paid anywhere near that amount which is the only reason i questioned it

XRubyRed @CodyMcNay Buying a task bundle is often cheaper than buying a one-off task. The time it takes us to receive and reply to your message, understand your kinks/fetishes and hard limits in order to assign an accurate/safe task, and checking in afterward to confirm photo/video proof and provide aftercare.. is all absolutely worth $20-30.

NaomiJade Is there an APP that I dont know about? Lol I would love to be able to just open an APP. THANKS! 😘

CodyMcNay Dom tasks at 20-30 dollars per task? Seems very high though?

XRubyRed @BrookesTreat Yes!! 👑 You work hard. Get paid!

PhalangelinaJolie Thank you!!! 🫶🏽

BrookesTreat @XRubyRed literally doing it rn. Can’t believe how much I was undercharging

Alexibun Fantastic! 🥳

STRyker_Alpha_8 A good resource tool this will be so handy for newer sellers and older alike

XRubyRed This is your sign to raise 👏🏻 your 👏🏻 prices!

PoshMilf @DeVineYoni Definitely!

ToeDoe Thanks everyone for wrapping this up, writing experiences and awt admins!

ToeDoe @PoshMilf I figured the same thing!!

Mumscreationsbyd Love this ! Xx

DeVineYoni @PoshMilf 😂 time to raise our prices! Especially for custom videos 😬

Twinkle_toes27 This is great especially when getting hit by the cheepos

Sir_Ahmed Great resource 👍🏽😈

PoshMilf Omg! I knew it. I’m dirty and cheap! 🙈

CalfQueen Amazing this is so useful thank you🩷

MisstressLeyla @TidalWave679 *

MisstressLeyla Yeeeey!!! Tidalwave you got your pricing guide up there!!!!

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