By SashaStar382
2nd Jul 2024
Since puberty I have struggled with how I look.
Jaw too square, hands too big, too tall, not skinny enough etc.
Through school hearing names, man hands, fugly, fat and so many more.
I know I’m not the only one. So may here have has bullies in their lives, maybe still do.
I joined ATW before but left after a year because I wasn’t hitting goals, getting enough sales to even cover premium membership and ended up feeling really defeated.
I gave up. And yes... I regret that decision.
I had so many reviews on that profile and now I’m struggling to get sales and reviews since coming back.
Since becoming a seller on ATW my confidence has increased, slightly.
Coming back to ATW this time is different because I am unavailable to Customs.
Real life still exists for Sellers, we have family problems, work issues and all sorts.
Customs used to be a big part of my sales and since being unable to do them, they have dropped drastically.
I am in no way “confident” or “comfortable” in my skin.
A lot of us here struggle with mental health and body image.
I am one of them.
Having suffered with anxiety and depression for many years means when I take a photo for a sale…
I take 10
When I make a sale for a video
I make 3
When I send the “best ones” or the ones I like most… my anxiety kicks in yet again and instead off 2 photos, I will send 3 or 4 just in case you don’t like them.
I am a people pleaser.
That is a hard thing to be here.
Being a people pleaser here is hard because you never know if your work is “good enough” or what the customer was wanting exactly.
The anxiety gets worse when they don’t give you any feedback or leave a review.
My anxiety won’t allow me to message to see if things were ok because what if they’re not?
My goals for being here is to become as confident in photos/videos as I am sexting.
Because that is something I am good at.
But being here means I have to go out of my comfort zone and most of the time everyone is so amazing and uplifting.
But I always choose my photos carefully.
I am not skinny, slim, athletic, yet I am also not curvy or bbw.
Most of the time I’m bloated and hide it as best I can.
ATW shows what we want to show and hide what we don’t.
Because I lack a lot of confidence in my appearance, I always end up comparing myself to others.
I know every body is different and beautiful but saying that to myself doesn’t always work.
I scroll on the dash and admire the ladies here that are so confident in themselves – then I remember we’re not always confident.
But seeing sellers getting the sales while I struggle through can go one of 2 ways…
None of these are healthy options, I know, and I shouldn’t compare myself to anyone because there is only 1 of me,
On the days I feel good I know I am incredible and capable of so much… I just have to hold on to those days.
The main reason for me writing this is to give you a little background on me.
So other people that also struggle know they’re not alone.
(my messages are always open for any reason)
But mainly, if you work with someone, me or any other Seller… please, please leave feedback or a review.
Communication doesn’t end just because you’ve got your item or had you session.
We rely a lot on reviews.
Even if things aren’t exactly what you were hoping for, drop us a message and tell us!
And I want to thank Sellers who have shown me kindness and support when I’ve needed it.
I hope this helps other sellers get more reviews too.
Give these hardworking sellers’ shops a look, read our carefully crafted bios and don’t be afraid to message us.
I would say most of us don’t push for sales, we’re happy for a chat but for most of us this is our second job so please either tip or don’t expect constant free chat as we have to prioritise those that pay.
No that doesn’t mean we’re “money hungry” ... it means we’re WORKING.
Your jobs don’t expect you to work for free so please treat us with respect and don’t waste our time.
Stay Kinky
Sasha Star
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