Being a New Seller & How It's Affected My Marriage

DesperateHousewife By DesperateHousewife 3054 views 9th Dec 2022

Seller Used panties Sellers’ Perspective
Being a New Seller & How It's Affected My Marriage

I am very new to All Things Worn. I've been selling for just over 6 weeks now and I absolutely love it! I heard of the site while watching a YouTube video on selling feet pictures.

But let me refocus on the topic at hand. A little bit of background on me...In 2006 I started working at an adult store and eventually became a manager a couple of years later. Eventually, the store manager was a position I thrived at and loved for years, right up until leaving at the end of 2014 to be a stay-at-home mom.

To say I'm comfortable with my sexuality and love this "industry" is a bit of an understatement. But this is a little different...It's much more personal selling on ATW. In fact, it's completely the opposite of when I worked as a manager, all the personal talk was kept to the bare minimum and that was at most!

Plus the thought of talking to buyers on my phone seems so intimate!

It seemed necessary that before making my profile, my husband and I had a discussion concerning boundaries and a few "rules".

Respecting My Husband’s Boundaries Whilst Selling Used Panties

It really wasn't that deep. No nudity, no sexting, basically nothing that might make my husband feel disrespected or any actions that would be disrespectful to our marriage. We are married 10 years yesterday! It's crazy how much people grow and change over time, sometimes together sometimes separately. When you're with someone for such a long amount of time things become second nature and routine, at least in our case.

This December marks 8 years since I stopped working as a store manager to be a homemaker. Of course, being a homemaker has its rewards, that goes without saying. But getting to dip my toe back into the sex industry "pond" has been amazing! I love selling! I love feeling like I have more of a purpose than just doing laundry and the dishes. I love being able to contribute financially as well.

The Benefits of Selling My Used Panties

There are SO many "ups" for me...My husband on the other hand is having a bit of culture shock. He has grown used to him and our children being the complete center of my universe and attention span. They still are, don't get me wrong! And I have been really, really good at balancing my new "work" life, mom chores, house chores, husband chores and still having a millisecond for myself.

>The self that was getting pushed to the bottom of the list depended on what life was throwing at me that day. This self needs extra care and different care because I have a big piece of me back again. A feeling of having back the part of myself that has been lost for a really long time.

As the culture shock has started to fade there are more "ups" for both my husband and I now. More than we continue to discover. My confidence has been boosted so much to name one. Not from people complimenting me (although that doesn't hurt!) A lot of this newfound confidence comes from me pulling those fun items that have been tucked away in my toy box and seeing that I can be and still am sexy.

This is something I guess I never fully forgot, every woman knows how much better makeup and a sexy pair of shoes can make us feel. This is different from the magic of makeup though. After an emergency C-section in 2020, I have been left with chronic pain and straight-up PTSD.

I remember barely 24 hours post-cesarean while a nurse helped me out of bed she whispered in my ear "That part of your body will never be the same, no matter what anyone tells you." Her whispering told me she was trying to ensure my husband wouldn't hear. I was bug-eyed trying to ensure my face didn't tell the secret of how I would be tainted forever. I felt was written all over my face, I couldn't look at my wound let alone even begin to think about putting on anything sexy from my toy box. Up until recently, that is, and the more I try the more I have become not just tolerant of how I look but sometimes I get excited and even proud.

I'm sidetracking again...where was I? ATW, balancing home and "work" life, feeling sexy again, OH RIGHT! My marriage!

Creating Custom Content is Great Foreplay!

My husband, my sex life is nothing to complain about...I worked in an adult toy shop with a great discount for YEARS. But I don't think my husband or I would have ever thought a photo shoot or making custom content would be such great foreplay!

Sometimes it's the outfits and poses and angles he gets to enjoy while I bask in being the center of attention and prance around in something that makes me feel sexy.

Other times it has been the feeling of accomplishment and reminding us what an amazing team we make after we finish custom content. We both can be proud when we see how great the video turned out, thanks to his filming and feedback and my amazing performance.

Foreplay and great sex aside I would say the piece of me that has gotten to reemerge has made our entire household a little happier.

Grateful for All Things Worn

I am grateful to have found ATW. I am grateful for how it has affected me, my identity, my sexuality, my independence, and my worth, and for the interesting twist, it's added to my marriage.

As I continue on my path of navigation and self-exploration post being a stay-at-home mom, post-c-section body, with an additional amount of millage added to her relationship Odometer, I look forward to all the new things I'll learn about myself and the amazing people that are apart of this outstanding community.

By DesperateHousewife

-My username is a play on words from the show Desperate Housewives, there's nothing desperate about me...Unless that's your thing😉😈- Hi! My name is Rebekah, I'm a 37 year old female...

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